Beliefs Are Good. Right? Part 2

Beliefs Are Good. Right? Part 2

by | Spirituality/Religion, Updates

In Part 1, we looked at primary, social and personal beliefs. In Part 2 we will explore religious beliefs and spiritual understandings.


Beliefs become more controversial and/or rigid when they are about religions, values, and ethics. These convictions are all determined and managed by our least evolved, rational left-brain. Religious beliefs are predetermined guidelines and tenets that are resolute and judgmentally screened. Committees, through consensus and often painful and prolonged study and discussion, have established them. They are intended to shape life, and often require allegiance, prescribed behavior, and self-discipline. We tend to like people who share our beliefs, because we have important common understandings.

The challenge is that a belief draws a line in the sand that separates the believers from the nonbelievers. The believers are “right” and the nonbelievers are “not right” or even “wrong.” Some religions excommunicate or shun their own members who do not comply with their beliefs. The emotional damage of these practices can be devastating and energetically last even longer than this present lifetime. We will NEVER get every single person to agree with and uphold even one belief, let alone all of the beliefs required for any specific religion. Therefore, religions have an immense challenge in uniting people, and routinely attempt to recruit new converts. All religions share similar spiritual Truths. The best is the one that feeds you.

A Course In Miracles states:

A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible, but necessary. Here alone consistency becomes possible because here alone uncertainty ends. We will never find the answers in any belief system, or doctrine. It is only a direct, personal experience of the truth that will shed light on the eternal questions.


Beliefs require commitment and loyalty. They must be upheld. People kill and die for their beliefs. They have held back much of humanity from evolving because rigidness and judgment are rarely forgiving. It is wiser to replace the word “belief” with the word “understanding.” An understanding has no tradition, commitment, judgment, or requirement. It is easily enhanced or replaced, and is, without judgment, very accepting of others’ viewpoints. There is no need to defend or argue about an understanding. Spirituality has individually unique and fluid understandings. It is refreshing and affirming to be in the presence of people who honor differing views and support each other in their uniqueness.

Our spiritual goal is to become so adept at the wise guidelines of life that we no longer even think about doing something incongruent with them. How many of us have to remind ourselves every day not to kill someone? As we are spiritually advancing, it is essential to move beyond the limits of beliefs so we can evolve into unprogrammed Light Beings. That does not imply that we will choose to run red lights, not care what others think of us, or do anything we want regardless of potential consequences. In Truth, it means the exact opposite: we will exude God’s Light and manifest long-desired and never before available divine attributes. We will not even think in the old ways of fear, isolation, or judgment.

This transformation requires mental open “space,” which occurs as we surrender and energetically vacuum out the mandates of beliefs and limiting thoughts. Then our old thinking processes gradually clear and evolve and easily and instinctively allow guidance, healing, unconditional love, wisdom, and other desired potentials to emerge. We will notice life is less about us and more about the privilege of being on earth at this time, and desiring to serve at this moment in any way we are led.

Praise God profound spiritual development is now possible!

In coming months, I will cover Judgment, Religion and Spirituality, Energy and Vibrations, and other topics of interest.


  1. Mistye

    Love this series. Another area I find that hampers relationship development is spiritual arrogance In the dating world it’s all about a check list of do you match my judgements of truth. I feel this is created an extreme separation between male and female ending relationships in general. Mistye

  2. tom webster

    I suggest this subject be introduced in public schools. Here are two books I can think of that would be suitable: “The Course in Miracles” and “Healing Setups”. Think of the discussions that could unsure from the materials in these two texts. Fellow teachers, are you listening?

    • Kathy


      Thank you for your support. D’Ann says she misses you and hopes you are doing well.


  3. Susie

    This series is a great idea. Love it and thanks

    • Kathy

      Thank you, Susie!


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