Core Values of Religion and Spirituality

Core Values of Religion and Spirituality

by | Life's Healing Setups, Spirituality/Religion, Updates

This short post continues with the theme of Religion and Spirituality.

The core values of religion and spirituality may overlap and intersect, and each can include or exclude the other. It is therefore possible, although unusual, to have a church affiliation that includes spirituality. Except for a few denominations such as Unity and Spiritualist, spiritual networks rarely mention or encourage a religious connection. More often, the relationship between these two significantly different core understandings of God and Spirit is not understood, made clear, or addressed.

Religion and spirituality differ in how we look at, understand, relate to, and manifest God in our lives.

Religion is a specific system of beliefs based on human-created tenets about God. It both unites and divides people.

Spirituality is that which concerns internal, unseen energies of God or soul. It is innate, quiet, invisible, and soul fulfilling.

“Religion is for people who do not want to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have been to hell and do not want to go back.”

“The nearer the church, the farther from God.”


The following chart contrasts and clarifies the extremes of Religion and Spirituality. Remember, it is possible to merge the highest aspects of both with larger interpretation and understanding. This chart is an expansion of what is included in Life’s Healing Setups in Chapter 7: Spiritual Evolution in Section 45: Sacred Perspectives starting on page 470.

(The God Business)
(God Attuned Souls)
God external/we’re separate God internal and external, ONE
Judgmental and often fosters blame/victim/fear Loving, fearless
Beliefs/Dogma/Rituals Individual Guidance/Understandings
Divides through beliefs Accepts and unites all
Faith (God can, passive) Trust (God will, active)
God all-powerful God all-powerful/we co-create in His Image
We’re sinful/guilty/penance We’re God’s, no sin, learn from mistakes
Unworthy Inherently One with God/Divine perfection as souls
Requires sacrifice to please Sacrifice meaningless, encourages joy
Worship/rituals/altars/expected behavior Beingness/internal altar
Controls through ego eyes God Source, Manager, Controller
Bible exclusive Word of God Bible/Personal Guidance/Knowing/Truth
Prayer (ask, plead, bargain) Thoughts are prayers/claim/manifest
Discipline and study to be a good Christian Remove low energies to manifest divinity
Tithe (“should”) Desire generosity/service
Duty/fear driven Freedom/inspiration/love

If you would like more explanation of these above listed ideas, let me know which ones in the comment section below. I will write them up for the next post in July. Otherwise, next time we will look at reincarnation in the Bible.


  1. Michele Nalu

    I like this chart. I’m going to print it out to show Nick and Elise.

    • Kathy

      Thank you, Michele!


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