Most people have at least heard of reincarnation, some reject the idea or find it too distracting, and some have actively pursued hypnosis or individual readings to excavate specific past lives. Praise God, because of such intense transforming energies flooding earth, it is no longer necessary to try to discover all of our past lives. It is safe to assume, with rare exceptions, that each one of us has had a vast assortment of past experiences on earth and elsewhere, which have produced a well-rounded education in playing archetypal issue-based roles for others and ourselves.
As eternal energy beings, we have all the time there is to evolve, learn, and clear up any of our karma. (Remember karma is unreleased and unresolved emotions, and not the happy ones.) Most of us have been many races, nationalities, and religions, and played assorted roles in both genders. We tend to have the same family members playing roles because we created karma with them. We need to continue reincarnating and playing roles until we clear those energies and evolve beyond that need. The challenge is that we rarely understand how this is all set up, and why it plays out the way it does.
Our souls select the roles we play in a given lifetime, such as victim, giver, slave, rescuer, loser, winner, criminal, queen, wise guy, betrayer, fixer, philanderer, etc. based on the karma we are working on with other major stars in our life drama, (typically birth and adult family members.) We play roles for each other, taking turns being the “good” or “bad” person. If someone close to you is always treating you meanly, assume that you treated him or her that same way in some other lifetime. (This is why forgiveness, which clears energy, is so effective and benefits us even more than the person we forgive! If we are still role-playing, we have not cleared away our own residual energy.) And remember, karma can be healed through energy work.
There are two significant exceptions to healing karma. The first occurs when a soul has scripted that this whole present lifetime will be about a certain issue. In this case, even if karma is cleared from the past lives that created the issue, the person will continue to struggle with it. You could notice this in many ways, but a common one is in financial challenges from past vows of poverty. Even if these past vows have been cleared, in this karmic exception, the issue could remain. Soul benefits of this struggle could be to prevent you from squandering money, being a tightwad, being greedy, or becoming a wealthy snob, becoming too independent, or any number of other possibilities. You would likely not know whether your issue is in place for life until after your karma is cleared. Please remember, God did not dictate your life! Your soul selected your challenges to assist your spiritual evolution.
The other exception to healing karma is in relationships. If you and problematic others scripted specific challenges and roles from past life unresolved issues, just because you have cleared karma from your life does not mean they stop playing their difficult role for you. They may change, but free will is available, and they may continue to treat you the same undesired way they always have. HOWEVER, as you heal over time, you will find more compatible relationships come along, and the old difficult ones will gradually ease or move away from you. Other people will end up playing your role for your former players until they heal!
Don’t know what your issues are? An insightful and revealing activity to do is to think of the person who bothers you the most. Then make a list of all of his or her issues that you find so difficult. When you are finished, you have just listed YOUR own issues. You can be the same as they are in that issue, or the exact opposite from them, but they are your issues. For example, if they are extremely selfish, then either you are also, or you would be too selfless. Try this experiment and see if some light bulbs go off.
Remember to use the Three Pillars of healing, (surrender, forgive, and vacuum) to incrementally heal these issues. You will continue to attract people to push your buttons in the same old ways until you have released all of the energy from each issue.
If you look for some easily missed signs, you can find some hints of possible past lives and/or issues.
- Young children often play in ways that reflect past life occupations. One very young girl wanted to clean things, a little boy used to play a jailer, someone else loved to play cowboys and Indians.
- Sometimes a person’s interests reflect past lives: musician, artist, mathematician, scientist, gardener, teacher, and so forth.
- Any skill that comes easily has probably been painstakingly developed in the past.
- The roles others play for you probably highlight your past life roles.
- Also, fear of things such as heights, closed spaces, flying, certain foods or animals, water, the dark, or personality qualities such as laziness, antisocial, hyper-responsibility, etc., were likely either death experiences or came from painful situations in other lifetimes.
- Lastly, if you notice an immediate and intense emotional response when you meet a person, that is karmic recognition. Forgive the person who elicits antagonism. Love the person to whom you are drawn.
Accept the idea of reincarnation as a relevant and fascinating Truth, but do not get caught intensely pursuing your past. You will evolve more quickly and easily by clearing your karma and low frequency energies, and this release will boost you to higher evolutionary operating systems. Your life will ease and blossom!
I appreciate your blog, D’ANN. Years ago I was intrigued by some past life meditations and dreams. They served me to a point. But the three pillars which I employ almost daily have cleared much more than the ones analyses. It has been god o for me to see the patterns in this life and trust that they simply still need some resolution
Thank you for you guidance and lice. Hallue
Thanks D’Ann. I like these bite size pieces of info.
you are always poignant and very focused, your understanding of Universal truths and ability to clearly explain them continuers to help me every day. you are an immeasurable talent whom I consider to be one of my most trusted mentors. I will always love you D’ann
Thank you, Tom. D’Ann is greatly moved by your words. She sends her love back to you as well.