Second Sight – Part 1

Second Sight – Part 1

by | Spirituality/Religion, Updates

Many people desire to physically see invisible energies to prove that they exist. Second sight comes naturally for a few, seems elusive for others, and does not seem possible for many. There are also those who have no interest in this “other” world, or have concluded there is no such thing, it is evil, or not important. This discussion will give an overview of what has many names: second sight, spiritual seeing, third eye, intuition, and receiving guidance.

A working definition of second sight is, “the ability to see beyond physical substances.” This means extra-sensory input is visually perceived. A person with this gift would actually see energies, colors, beings, and spirits. They would see information with awareness, meaning/purpose, and knowledge beyond the grasp of others. They could also see medical conditions, future events, understand more about others lives, and/or have insight and answers unavailable by other means. This spiritual ability is intended to help self and others, and most often activates early in life. A young child could visually be seeing his or her imaginary friend. Unless this talent is recognized, accepted, and encouraged, it could fade or disappear, depending on the emotional climate and use.

If you are one of the relatively few who are endowed with literal second sight through your physical eyes, you are enormously blessed and have no doubt learned to trust what you see. Your primary challenge is screening to whom, when, and how much to share your precious insights with others. Traditionally, many people with second sight have learned to keep quiet about their gift. They have been ridiculed, misunderstood, and told to never speak about their “strange ideas.” They may have lost relationships, and often feel isolated because they embody and manifest something so peculiar to most “normal” people.

Centuries ago these gifted people were banned, tortured, or even murdered for being aligned with the devil. One of the huge advantages of living now at this time on earth is the growing interest in, acceptance of, and even appreciation for this and other profound spiritual attributes.

In energy terms, “seeing” may or may not be literal sight. Sometimes second sight begins with comprehending. When we say, “I see what you mean,” we understand what was just explained. If you receive unexpected inspiration, it is usually called guidance, gut instinct, a still small voice, or a knowing. You have gotten the message, know what it means, and can apply it right then in your life or situation.

Everyone can receive unseen input, although skeptics would be unlikely to acknowledge or work with the message. It is our free will choice to accept or reject these valuable and life-enriching communications. They are ALWAYS timely, appropriate, wise, and beneficial. If you have not learned to trust this input, hopefully you will begin to do so the next time it occurs. Give yourself permission to interact with what could feel like your own atypical thoughts or imagination.

If you are the more standard three-dimensional human, you may hope to open and develop your third eye, located in the center of your forehead. You can only progress as you are able to handle higher dimensional energies. All energetic spiritual ability is under the authority of your Higher Self, and cannot be fast-tracked unless or until you are ready for it. This process usually develops gradually with desire, prayer, trust, and application of input. Working with a spiritual healer can enhance this process. Often an indication of spiritual sight opening up would be getting quick peripheral glimpses of movement. When you turn to look at what it was, you would not see anything.

Your third eye functions very similar to envisioning a memory. Wherever you are right now, you can picture yourself in a different place that you know well. Imagine you are standing in a close friend’s living room. Look around and you will notice the furniture, floor, windows, and decorations. You “see” these items clearly, yet this sight is coming from your conscious mind rather than through your eyes. This example strongly resembles how second sight most often appears and works. Both visual memory and energetic second sight activity are internal, subtle, and yet clear. The intuitive third eye input is unexpected, new, meaningful, and beneficial.

There will be two more posts about second sight. Part 2 will focus on the conveyors who deliver messages to us. This series will end with guidelines and examples spanning purity and negativity. Stay tuned!




  1. Marie Gates

    Thanks, D’Ann, for clarifying the meaning of Second Sight. I enjoyed the article.

  2. tom webster

    Dear D’Ann; I am gladdened to hear of Fred’s stability, and to receives news from you. Kay and I are spending “a day at a time” together, as we are used to. She is remarkably alert and and continues to be interested in and being a part of our deeper connection. This thanks to our love and prayers. Please tell Fred he is in our hearts and prayers, and of course we love you.

    With continued warm regards, always, tom and lay


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