D’Ann was on Michael Vara’s live internet radio program, Late Night In The Midlands, on Friday, March 20. She discussed HVT and a range of topics with Michael.
Below is the recording. Click the play button to listen. Michael’s conversation with D’Ann starts at 28:48 minutes into the recording.
D’Ann, this interview was great. You clearly made an impression. I’m not sure the interviewer got the part about preventing situations from re-occurring, Fabulous. I hope it leads to more for you. You are definitely worth listening to. Thank you for this.
I heard you on the internet talk show yesterday, a re-breoadcast on the Dark Matter radio network. As a not-so-diciplined student of A Course In Miracles, your words about the power of forgiveness, giving everything over to God, and how situations re-present themselves until the energy is released really spoke to me. Guilt is the fuel for the illusion-machine. Forgiveness turns the gas into water. Thank you for sharing. It was inspiring. I look forward to reading your book some day.
I listened to the recorded interview last evening. It is very long but you can forward thru the first 29 minutes to when D’Ann actually begins speaking. It was very fascinating and worthwhile. I especially liked when they discussed how we are harming mother earth but we all (earth included) are going through a collective ‘dark night of the soul’. Purging lower vibrational energies, old belief systems and ideals. It will get better! – Very eye-opening and encouraging and I will be getting her book soon.
I just listened to the recording – sorry I missed the broadcast. You were great! D’Ann you provided great explanations of energy work and life issues. I think Mike was amazed that you identified one of the issues in his life. Your guidance to him was great as were all your explanations.